Before we get to the march details, we have important news this week.
Tuesday 26th February: Meeting at the Seckford Golf Club Woodbridge. Our guest speaker is David Gwyther, the Campaign Manager of The People’s Vote organisation. As the government is in such a shambles it will be helpful to hear how we can be more effective in promoting the People’s Vote campaign. There will also be a time for questions and discussion. Please make every effort to attend this vital meeting.
For timings and directions to the The Seckford Golf Club, follow this link.
The meal this week will be sausages (meat or vegetarian) served with mash and vegetables. The price is £8 to be paid on the evening and must be pre-booked by Friday 22nd February. Please email your booking to me at:
You are very welcome to come for just the meeting at 7pm but meal bookings are much appreciated in order that we can continue to meet at this venue, last week we were 4 bookings short. Food is served from 6pm (menu details below).
Saturday 23rd March : We are marching again in LONDON!! The government wants to kick the can down the road and then force MP’s to back their brexit deal at the last minute. The 23rd March will be the day the People say: “NO!” This may also be our last chance to demonstrate how much we need a People’s Vote, so it is essential that we have the support of as many people as possible. Further details, including coach transport is here.
We encourage you to sign this new petition!
Future Dates
Saturday 23rd February : Street stall in Ipswich 10am-12.00 at the bottom of Lloyds Avenue. We will have a new Brexitometer and will be leafleting. Please email me if you can support this event:
Saturday 2nd March 10am: Ipswich meeting at Le Tour cafe, Waterfront IP4 3RH. A meeting for local supporters to share ideas, to support each other and to plan for future campaigning. Everyone welcome.
Friday 8th March : leafleting at various train stations in Suffolk, more information will be available soon.
Saturday 9th March : Southwold street stall 10.00am-12.00
Saturday 16th March : A debate about Brexit- more information soon.
Dates of future meetings : Tuesday 12th March and Tuesday 26th March. All Meetings are at the Seckford Golf Club Woodbridge.
Saturday 23rd March: ‘Put it to the People ‘ march in London. Due to rail disruption on this date we have hired a coach. The coach will leave Saxmundham at 7.30am and will pick up passengers at Woodbridge swimming pool and Greggs on Martlesham Heath, IP5 3RH where there is plenty of free parking in Betts Avenue and Hawker Drive. ( timings will be confirmed later). Returning, we hope to leave London at 6.30pm.
The cost of the coach ticket is £18.00 return or you may wish to add a donation to boost the Campaign Funds ( Suggested a total of £23 for ticket and donation). Tickets will need to be purchased beforehand and as soon as possible- first come -first served. Tickets can be purchased using a bank transfer :
sort code 20-45-45 Ac 63872998 Barclays Bank or with a
cheque made out to The Suffolk EU Alliance. You could also pay using the Paypal link on our website but please add an extra £2.00 to cover the Paypal administration cost.
Please come and join us at some of these events or keep in touch by email.
With best wishes and hoping to see you soon.