Dear Suffolk EU Alliance Supporters

Many of our members have been in touch regarding voting tactics in the forthcoming general election.  As we are a cross-party group we would not wish to be endorsing any particular candidate at the moment but have been rigorously  pressing for the parties to make Europe a central issue and to come together to  oppose those Conservative candidates who have failed to support close links with Europe and The EU.

At present we are encouraging our members to pursue the following tactics:

  1. To challenge all candidates to spell out their own policy on Europe.  We also want to know what local issues they are going to take to Westminster and  what their specific policies are for local people.To this end individual members will be able to make up their own minds as to who will best serve them as their constituency MP.  Members may wish to share the candidates’ responses, via email with the Suffolk EU Committee  and on Facebook pages.  I have attached the list of Candidates for the two constituencies of Suffolk Coastal and of Central Suffolk and North Ipswich.  The committee is writing to all the candidates to ask them for their policy on Europe and how they see these policies impacting on us in Suffolk. We will put their statements on our website as they are provided.
  2. To attend local meeting and hustings to hear first hand what the candidates are saying.  So far we have been informed of two local hustings which have been organised by local Churches Together groups.  Everyone is welcome to attend these meetings. The first meeting is on Sunday 21st May at 7.00pm at St John’s Church Felixstowe and the second is onWednesday 31st May at 7.00pm at Saints Peter’s and Paul’s Church Aldeburgh.  A flyer for the Felixstowe meeting is attached.
  3. To ensure that as many friends and family are encouraged to participate .  Has everyone you know registered to vote and made arrangements for postal votes and proxy votes if they will be away on June 8th?
  4. To support candidates from different political parties in those constituencies where there is a real chance of a pro-Europe candidate being elected. Even if you do not live in Ipswich, Cambridge, North Norfolk, Norwich South or Cambridge your support will certainly be welcome.

All ideas and suggestions are welcome via our website and in the meantime we hope to see you at the hustings and our local meetings.


Stop Press: 

Other meetings have come to our notice today:

  1. Lib Dems in Central Suffolk and North Ipswich: An opportunity to meet and question their candidate Aiden van der Weyer. In the Unitarian Hall Framlingham.  May 24th at 7.00pm.
  2. Open Britain.  Meeting at Oakes Barn, 1st Floor, St Andrews St South, Bury St Edmunds IP33 3PH on 25th May at 6.30pm.  Further details from
  3. Radio Suffolk Live Election Debate from Lowestoft Wednesday 17th May.

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