By Martin Deighton

A WARNING to readers.

A fabricated distortion of the Treaty Of Lisbon is being circulated.

The Treaty of Lisbon was drafted and agreed by the member Nations of the European Union in 2002 and ratified with further codicils in Berlin in 2007.

Far from passing powers to the EU, it curbed and restricted the powers of the EU.

The terms of the treaty enshrined the sovereignty and independence of Nation States and prevented attempts at “federalisation”.

The Treaty had NO clause indicating that EU law has supremacy over National legislation.

No clause insisting that all Nations must join the Euro, and No clause removing National “Opt Outs”.

The Treaty of Lisbon and the Berlin Declarations is available as a pdf from the European Parliament.

If any document is needed to demonstrate the democracy and good intentions of the EU this is it.

It is a document that supports and protects the freedoms and rights of all the Citizens of European Nations.

It is interesting to note that the release of the fabricated version of the terms of the Treaty of Lisbon coincides with the launch of Farage’s Brexit Party.

We must be aware that we are living in a world of Farage and Trump fabrications and deceptions.

Unfortunately, people embrace these fabrications to reinforce their own beliefs.

The EU has many imperfections.

There are many truthful arguments for leaving and remaining.

Let us all share these truthful arguments and condemn fabrications and deceptions and downright lies.

You can find the false claims of the Lisbon Treaty being pass around here.

The overview of the original Lisbon Treaty is here.

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