Dear Members and Supporters,

Today is we are targeting Jeremy Corbyn to ask him to support the People’s Vote on the final Brexit deal. A handwritten letter is the most effective method of communication but email support is also very welcome.

His postal address is:  House of Commons, London,  SW1A 0AA.

If you haven’t got time to write today please try to send him a short letter/email over the weekend.


Please make sure you sign the ‘Final Say’ petition which is a completely separate petition from the ‘People’s Vote’ petition. It already has over 1 million signatures, so let’s get it up to 2 million!  The Independent launched its #FinalSay campaign to demand that voters are given a voice on the final Brexit deal.  Sign their petition here


We also encourage people to spend a day or a few hours with the SODEM group demonstrating every day Monday- Thursday 10.30-17.00 opposite Parliament. It is lovely to meet the Remainers from all over the UK and be part of this important protest. Email me for more information:

An update on our future events

Saturday 24th November: Sadly our Abba evening has had to be cancelled due to lack of ticket sales, but there are lots of other things happening.

Saturday 24th November  at 12.30pm: Julia would like some organisational help with a People’s Vote meeting the SEUA is holding at the Best Western Hotel, London Road, Ipswich IP8 3JD. This is a cross-party meeting for leaders of all political parties and pro EU groups. It is hosted by the Suffolk EU Alliance. If you could help please ring Julia    07770666604

Tuesday 27th November: A pro EU group in Burnham on Crouch has asked for support with their street stall in Burnham High street from 10.30am-12.30pm. Julia is going, and is happy to offer lifts. She will leave Kelsale at 8.30 am and pick up people on the way.  If you can assist, please ring Julia on 07770666604 to arrange travel arrangements.

Tuesday 27th November:  7pm  The SEUA Christmas meal at The Seckford Golf Club has been very well supported. Booking for this event is now closed.  The evening will begin with drinks from 7pm and the food will be served at 7.30pm. The meal will be followed by a quiz. We are all looking forward to this festive evening.

Saturday 8th December 1.30pm – 4.00pm: Ipswich Street stall and leafleting. Meeting at the bottom of Lloyd’s Avenue by Debenhams. If this area is too busy we will be somewhere nearby on the main shopping street.

Monday 7th January 7pm: The Suffolk EU Alliance AGM at Woodbridge Library. Further details are on our website.

With best wishes for our continuing future in the EU.


Membership Secretary

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