Dear Members and Supporters,

700,000 of us took part in the March for our Future last month and over 1,000,000 of us have signed a petition demanding a People’s Vote. As momentum builds, our next step is to inundate our MPs with letters in the Write This Wrong campaign. If we want to secure a People’s Vote, then we need to persuade them there’s widespread support across the country for it, and you can achieve that by writing to let them know you support a People’s Vote and you want them to, as well.

The reason we need to write now is because MPs will vote on the final Brexit deal in just a few weeks. It looks like it’ll either be a bad one or no deal at all. Neither of those is close to what was promised during the referendum campaign. Neither of those is what we want. This summer, Leave.EU was fined for a ten percent overspend on their campaign which gained them the two percent swing they needed to win. Now we’re finding out their biggest donor, Arron Banks, is under criminal investigation by the National Crime Agency over the source of that money. This news has thrown the entire validity of the referendum into doubt.

This news on its own isn’t enough to get MPs to back a People’s Vote; they also need to feel the pressure from voters. So please take a few minutes, now, to write your MP. While emails are good, a hand-written letter always carries more weight because it shows you care enough to go to the trouble of writing and posting it, and when it arrives, it has to be logged individually. And don’t send them one, when you can send them two or five…

At the bottom of this email, you’ll find contact details for all Suffolk MPs.

Some tips for writing to your MP:

Include your full address. MPs usually request a full address so they know you’re definitely a constituent of theirs.

Be polite. Whichever way you voted at the last election, please be courteous even to those we may disagree with.

Tell them if you voted for them. MPs like to hear from a range of voices before making a decision.

Keep it positive. Tell them how you’d like the country to be. Share your vision of our future.

Make it personal. If you can, include a photo of you campaigning, or a member of your family who may be adversely affected by Brexit.

Once you’ve done it, email us to let us know – we’d love to hear from you!

Thank you!

The Suffolk EU Alliance Committee

Bury St. Edmunds
Jo Churchill
House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA
Tel: 020 7219 8487

Central Suffolk & North Ipswich
Dan Poulter
House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA
Tel: 020 7219 7038
The Technology Centre, Station Road, Framlingham, Suffolk, IP13 9EZ
Tel: 01728 726588

Sandy Martin
House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA
Tel: 0207 219 1208
33 Silent Street, Ipswich, IP1 1TF
Tel: 01473 487648

South Suffolk
James Cartlidge
House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA
Tel: 020 7219 4875

Suffolk Coastal
Therese Coffey
House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA
Tel: 020 7219 7164

Peter Aldous
House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA
Tel: 020 7219 7182
15 Surrey Street, Lowestoft, Suffolk, NR32 1LU
Tel: 01502 586568

West Suffolk
Matthew Hancock
House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA
Tel: 020 7219 7186
Park Farm Cottage, Fornham St Genevieve, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP28 6TS
Tel: 01284 701 807

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