Put Thursday December 20th 11.15 am  in your diaries! The Bollocks to Brexit bus is coming to Ipswich and we need you to join us for an impromptu rally to wave flags and make lots of noise!

The bus will be carrying well-known activists Madeleina Kay and Boris Johnson impersonator Drew Galdor, amongst others on the final day of the bus tour. It will be stopping outside Crown House, next to the Crown Pools, opposite the Tower Ramparts NCP car park on Crown Street from 11:30am-12.30pm.

We hope that some of you will be willing to hop on the bus as it continues its tour to Colchester and Chelmsford, where we’ll disembark and get the train back.  Essex currently doesn’t have a centralised anti-Brexit grassroots organisation like SEUA, so having a ready-made crowd at each stop will be a huge help to the organisers.  Places on the bus are limited to 25, so you’ll need you to book your seat on the Bollocks to Brexit website here

The Bollocks to Brexit bus is travelling around the country, urging us all to write to our MPs demanding a Final Say referendum.  The aim is to raise awareness of the People’s Vote campaign, and driving through Ipswich with its provocative name will certainly get people talking!

To give you a flavour of what to expect, watch the video on this page.


Another important date this week.

Tuesday 18th December, 6.30pm-9pm:  Campaigning for a People’s Vote on the Brexit deal in Bury.

The Bury St Edmunds Open Britain group have asked for our support at an important council meeting where questions will be asked to the Edmundsbury Borough Council leader about a Peoples Vote. They want to show that this is well supported so please come and swell their numbers.  The address is:   West Suffolk House,Beeton Way, Bury St Edmunds IP3 3YU. Please let me know if you can support this via suffolkeu@gmail.com


Future Dates

Monday 7th January, 7pm: The Suffolk EU Alliance AGM at Woodbridge Library. A reminder that Members are invited to make nominations for the officer’s posts and committee members for 2019. These must be received in writing by the Secretary (Ms Gilly Peskett) by Friday 21st December. Nominations can be sent to our email address:  suffolkeu@gmail.com


Saturday 12th January, 10am-1pm: A Nationwide Action Day for the People’s Vote. We shall have a street stall and be chatting to people as we hand out leaflets. We’ll also have our Brexitometer which is a very effective way of engaging with people. The location will be decided next week so watch our website for an update.


Tuesday 15th January, 7pm: A general meeting at The Seckford Golf Club, Woodbridge, IP136NT. An optional meal which has to be pre-booked will be served from 6pm, more details nearer the time.

Dates of future meetings:  Tuesday 29th Jan, Tuesday 12th February and Tuesday 26th February. All Meetings at Seckford Golf Club Woodbridge


Finally a notice about the letter we sent to the MPs on Friday 6th December. The three press releases that accompanied the handing over of the Alliance’s open letter to Suffolk MPs can now be viewed on our website.

Press release SEUA17 is a general stand alone feature that covers our take on our current trajectory out of the EU, and reasons for our objection to it.

Press release SEUA18 covers a number of the lies that we refer to in general terms in SEUA17.

Press release SEUA19.2 describes the numerous benefits that we are likely to lose once we depart the EU, also referred to in SEUA17.


Those who do not read the East Anglian Daily Times letters pages regularly are likely to find a lot of interesting and useful content on our website here. Suggested reading!

Happy reading and we look forward to seeing you soon.

With best wishes,

Membership Secretary  

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