PRESS RELEASE – March 2018

Ref: seua13

Addressing the recent rally of pro-European activists at the University of Suffolk in Ipswich, senior Liberal Democrat Daisy Cooper told the assembled group that: “The British public must have a say on the Brexit deal.”

Miss Cooper was speaking at The Great Eastern March held on Saturday (March 24), this being the Eastern Counties contribution to the nationwide day of action. The emphasis of her talk was on Brexit and the challenges facing the East of England economy.

“People are rightly concerned that the Brexit negotiations are taking longer and are more complicated than anyone expected” she said. “News that the UK will likely be paying the Brexit ‘divorce bill’ until 2064, that the Government is making concessions at “supersonic speed”, and that EU health workers are leaving the NHS at an alarming rate means that people are starting to ask what the cost of Brexit really is.

“As new facts emerge, it is becoming increasingly clear that it should be the people, not politicians, who sign off the Brexit deal”, she stressed.

Daisy Cooper, Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidate for St Albans, was a prominent speaker during the day of action organised by the Suffolk EU Alliance. Daisy was ‘born and bred’ in Suffolk and retains a deep understanding of the issues that affect the county. She is now the St Albans Liberal Democrats parliamentary spokesperson. Nationwide, she campaigns actively for a people’s vote on the Brexit deal.

Miss Cooper has worked in international affairs, press reform and on equalities campaigns. She is currently campaigns director at the cross-party campaign group ‘More United’.


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Further information: Daisy Cooper:

Press relations contact: Richard Hare,

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